Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 24

The little village burying-ground was not far distant. A grave was
opened there, for him who but one short week ago was as full of life, of
bounding vigor and of high hopes, as the strongest there.

"Oh, had it been but told you then,
To mark whose lamp was dim;
From out the ranks of these young men
Would ye have singled _him_?

"Whose was the sinewy arm that flung
Defiance to the ring?
Whose shout of victory loudest rung?
Yet not for glorying.

"Whose heart in generous thought and deed,
No rivalry could brook?
And yet distinction claiming not;
There lies he,--go and look!

"Tread lightly, comrades! we have laid
His dark locks on his brow;
Like life, save deeper light and shade,--
We'll not disturb them now!"

Of all who stood by that open grave, none wept so passionately as little
Arthur. He could not control his emotions, and it was in vain that
friends tried to soothe him. Poor child! did a sad presentiment of
coming evil pass over his soul?

"Slowly and sadly they laid him down," and "slowly and sadly" they
returned home; that home now so vacant, so desolate! There let us leave
them; sorrowing, but "not sorrowing as those without hope." It is on
just such scenes as these, that the light of Christian Faith shines with
a pure and holy radiance, cheering the bereaved heart, and speaking
sweet words of reunion, of immortality, of glory "which fadeth not



The next day Arthur returned to Mr. Martin's. His affectionate heart was
saddened, and every pleasure seemed to have lost its charm. But the
griefs of childhood quickly pass away; and Arthur in a few days became
calm and cheerful. A close observer, however, might have seen a deeper
shade of thoughtfulness in his eyes, and a softer tone in his always
gentle voice. He went to school again, and mingled in his quiet way,
with the sports of his companions. Theodore could not be spared from
home-duties to attend school in the summer months, and Arthur saw much
less of him than formerly. They would meet occasionally after tea, and
with Rover by their side, stroll down by the stream which wound in
fanciful little curves about the lot; or would play at ball, on the
green before the house. Arthur seemed less inclined than usual for noisy
sports, and Theodore sometimes thought he was a sad, stupid playfellow.
One evening about five weeks after Henry's funeral, Mrs. Martin said to
her husband,--

"It seems to me, Arthur is not well to-day. He has complained a great
deal of his head, and his face looks flushed and feverish."

"I haven't noticed him to-day," replied Mr. Martin, "but he certainly is
not a healthy boy, and I am afraid never will be."

The next morning, Arthur refused to eat; and before night a burning
fever had evidently seized upon him. A physician was called, who said at

"He is a very sick child; his head is so hot, I fear a brain fever. You
had better send for his mother, for mothers I find are generally the
best nurses. He's a fine little fellow, and we must try to save him."

Mr. Martin went himself for Mrs. Hamilton the next morning. It was
indeed heavy tidings that he bore. Was God about to strip her of all she
loved? Her little, tender-hearted Arthur was a precious child, and must
he be taken too? But she quietly prepared to go to him. That was
manifestly her first duty. There was no time for the indulgence of
grief, though heavy forebodings weighed upon her heart.

When Mrs. Hamilton reached the bedside of her child, she found him
delirious, and was shocked to see he did not know her. He was much
sicker than she expected to find him, and her heart sunk within her.

"Is there no hope, Doctor?" she asked, with a quivering lip.

"Certainly there is a chance for a boy of his age; but he is a very sick
child, Mrs. Hamilton. Twill be a hard struggle for life, and it is
impossible to tell what will be the result."

Day after, day, night after night, the mother bent over the sick-bed of
her child; her heart sickening with alternations of hope and fear.
Sometimes the pulse would lessen, and the medicine seem to affect him
favorably, and she would hope her prayers had been heard, and that life
and not death was to be his fate; then the fever would rage with renewed
violence, and his little frame would be convulsed with pain. At no time
did he appear to know who was with him, or have the slightest gleam of

He talked but little, and that incoherently; like one in a dream. Those
were long, sad hours to the anxious mother's heart. "How I lived through
those days and weeks of anguish, I know not," she afterwards said, "but
strength was given me according to the day."

And where was Rover, faithful, affectionate Rover, in these mournful
days? The poor animal moaned and howled perpetually. He would it through
the whole day and night, upon the stairs leading to Arthur's room,
endeavoring to gain admittance, and when driven away, would contrive to
return to his post, watching with intense eagerness those who entered or
left the room; continually making that dismal moaning which a dog in
distress usually does. It was heartrending to hear him. One day, they
allowed him to enter the room, hoping it might quiet him; he jumped upon
the bed instantly, and disturbed the suffering child so much that he was
never permitted to go in again. Poor Arthur! he no longer had a smile or
caress even for Rover, the companion of his lonely hours, the sharer of
his exile! He did not even notice him, except by raising his hand to
keep him off.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 23

James was sent the next morning to bear the heavy tidings to Arthur, and
to bring him home to see the precious dust committed to its kindred

Arthur was stunned by the suddenness of the blow. He rode back with
James, scarcely speaking a word. He could not feel that Henry was
_dead_; it seemed like some fearful dream from which he must rouse
himself. But when he saw his mother, and felt himself pressed in
speechless agony to her heart, his tears burst forth in torrents.
Childhood can weep over its sorrows; it is only later griefs that refuse
the healing balm of tears.



It was thought best to lay Henry's beloved form in the earth on the day
following his death. It was one of those intensely warm, sultry days,
August often brings. Not a leaf stirred upon the trees, not a cloud
dimmed the sky. One by one, neighbors and friends dropped in, with
noiseless step. Hushed voices and stifled sobs alone were heard in the
house of death. Many, very many had loved Henry, and many looked with
tearful eyes on his peaceful form. The life-like glow had passed away
from his sweet face, the marks of the destroying angel were more clearly
visible, but there was a soft repose, still beautiful to look upon,
diffused over every feature. Aged men and women who had known him from a
child, sobbed as they gazed on one so young, so gifted, snatched away
from life. The pastor who had baptized him when an infant, and one from
the adjoining town were there. Both had known Henry, and both had loved
him. Both spoke with tearful eyes and quivering lip of his worth and
loveliness. Holy words of prayer were spoken,--the bereaved mother and
weeping children were commended to God, the only refuge in this hour of
darkness, and fervent intercessions were offered, united with grateful
thanksgivings for all that had been enjoyed in the past, and for all the
cheering hopes which brightened the future. The hymn

"Why should we mourn departing friends,
Or shake at death's alarms?"

was read and sung.

Once more the children were all together under the roof where they had
often met; all save the son whose home was now in a sunnier clime. But
how unlike was this to their last joyful gathering! Hours of rejoicing,
and hours of mourning, ye are strangely blended in the experience of
human hearts.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 22

I stood beside his dead body an hour after the spirit had left it. I had
never before, and have never since, seen one so beautiful in death. The
last rays of the setting sun streamed softly in at an open window, and
one sweet ray fell upon his head. It was a bright halo,--a glorious
crown, for that sleeping dust to wear. The fair, wide brow, the rich,
dark curls, the softly-closed eyelids, the beautiful mouth, had never
been so lovely. All was life-like,--radiant. There was an expression of
heavenly joy I have never seen in a sleeper since. I had not seen him in
his mortal agony, and now it seemed impossible he could have ever
suffered. Can this be death, thought I?--Ah, there is a stillness too
deep for life! Those closed lips do not move; those eyes do not open;
there is no lingering breath, no beating heart! It is only dust. The
spirit _has_ fled! Beautiful sleeper! There shall be no waking of
thy precious dust till the resurrection morning!

Others came in, and I left the room, reluctantly, for it was pleasant to
me to be near one I had loved in life. I went into the sitting-room,
several neighbors were moving about, but the mother was not there. I
found her in the piazza; she was calm, but oh, who could fathom the
depths of her anguish? Who but He who formed the soul with all its
mysterious capacities for suffering?

The red light lay on the western hills, and they were very beautiful in
their summer greenness, stretching along the horizon in wavy outlines;
the summer sky above was beautiful, and so were the quiet fields, and
the ancient trees standing breathlessly silent in that glorious
twilight. Rays of heaven were blending with all that was loveliest on
earth; but though the mother's eye was fixed upon the scene, it was
evident she did not see it, nor feel its healing power. What wonder? The
agony was too recent,--the blighting of all her hopes too sudden for
resignation and peace to come into her soul at once. The heavy blow had
fallen, and her heart was crushed! No tear was in her eye, no trembling
in her voice, as she replied to questions; but a face more expressive of
utter woe I have seldom seen. What word of consolation could a mortal
speak at such an hour? "The heart knoweth its own bitterness," and a
stranger may not inter-meddle with its griefs. Let it be alone with God!

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 21



It was a hot Saturday in August, when Henry Hamilton left school to go
home and spend the Sabbath with his mother. This he frequently did, as
it was but ten miles distant, and such a walk was only pastime to the
vigorous youth, now glowing with health and strength in every vein. On
this day however, the walk appeared unusually long to him; and he sat
down twice by the road-side to rest himself. This was very uncommon;
but he said nothing of fatigue when he reached home about sunset. He met
them with his usual cheerful smile, and had a laugh and pleasant words
for the children as they crowded round him. Of all Mrs. Hamilton's
children, Henry was the most sanguine and light-hearted, and when at
home, he was always the life of the family circle. He was sincerely
desirous of gaining a thorough education, and of doing credit to his
patrons and friends, and he hoped to be permitted to accomplish much
good in the world, when he had acquired his profession. There was much
enthusiasm in his character, and much of generous impulse; yet they were
modified by Christian principle. Henry was a sincere Christian. There
was little of noisy pretension, or loud profession; but in his soul was
a deep and abiding sense of obligation to God; a supreme desire to do
his will, and a fervent love to his fellow-men. To a remarkably fine
person, was added an intellect of uncommon quickness and discrimination,
and his teachers spoke in high commendation of his progress. We have
said he was the favorite son of his mother; and if a thrill of pride
passed through her heart as she gazed on his beaming face, if she
garnered up in her inmost soul many precious dreams of a brilliant
future, who can wonder? Who shall blame her?

It is now many years since "the dust fell on that sunny brow," but I
well remember Henry Hamilton--"handsome Henry Hamilton"--and seldom
indeed since have I seen a more striking form and face. There was a
frank, joyous expression beaming forth from his dark eyes, and his mouth
had always a sweet smile playing about it; there was a high intellectual
forehead, indicating thought, though it was half hidden by the sunny,
brown curls which clustered about it, and gave a youthful look to even
this portion of his face. His tall, well-developed figure was the
perfection of manly symmetry, and his musical laugh was ever ringing out
freely and unconsciously. His temperament was just the reverse of
Arthur's. Bold, courageous, self-relying, he hoped all things, and
feared nothing that man could do; by nature too, he was quick and
passionate, yet full of affection and all generous impulses. Such was
Henry Hamilton, now eighteen years of age--the pride of his family--the
favorite of all who knew him.

The night of his return home, he became violently ill, and no remedies
appeared to relieve his sufferings. I will not pain my young readers
with a recital of his agonies. They were most intense; and on the third
day after he was attacked, at six o'clock in the afternoon, he went from
an earthly to a heavenly home; from the bosom of his mother, to the
bosom of his God! There were few intervals of sufficient ease, to allow
of conversation. During these, he expressed entire confidence in the
Saviour, and perfect submission to the will of God, though death then
was most unexpected to him. He also expressed regret that he had done
so little for God, and besought a friend who stood by his bedside, to be
faithful to his Christian vows.

The last struggle was a fearful one; but his mother supported him in her
arms to the last; and to her his last look was given,--a look of sweet
affection, trust, and gratitude.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 20

"Oh, I am glad he is gone, mother, for this dear brother was all alone."

"So I glad," echoed Charlie, who was snugly tucked into the trundle-bed.
"Yes," said their mother, kissing them both, "it always makes us glad
when we have made another happy; and I am glad you have had an
opportunity of learning early how pleasant it is to make sacrifices for

"The darkest lot is not all gloom," thought she as she sat down by her
little table and began to sew. "Poverty can teach many sweet lessons,
and give us many rich enjoyments." And her eyes filled with tears; but
they were sweet, refreshing tears.



Arthur was never lonely now; for Rover was constantly at his side,
except in school, and he always went to the school-room door with him in
the morning, and often when Arthur came out of school at night, he would
find Rover standing by the door, waiting for him. A happy dog was Rover,
in his new home. Mrs. Martin fed him with her own hand, and many a nice
dainty did he get, which he was not accustomed to. Arthur was such a
sweet-tempered, obliging boy, so ready to obey her, and had such gentle,
respectful manners, that the good old lady was glad to make Rover happy
for his sake. Obliging little boys almost always find that those they
live with, are obliging too; while quarrelsome boys usually find it
their fortune to fall among quarrelsome companions; for good temper and
bad temper are both contagious and infect all those who come in contact
with them.

On bright, cold winter mornings, after eating his nice breakfast, Rover
would scamper off to school with Arthur. He was in too fine spirits to
walk by his side, so he would bound off before him, plunging into the
snow drifts up to his neck; then bound back again, with a short quick
bark, shaking himself from the feathery snow; and away again for another
merry race. If he was separated for an hour from Arthur, he would leap
up at his return, and almost overwhelm him with his rough embraces. But
this seldom happened out of school hours, for let Arthur go where he
would, to the barn, the brook, of an errand, or on a visit to his friend
Theodore, there Rover was sure to follow. Arthur would sometimes take
him into his room at night and let him lie there, but Mrs. Martin did
not approve of this, but as she was always up by day-light, she would
open the door and Rover would go scampering up the stairs ready for a
great frolic on Arthur's bed.

As the school continued, Arthur became attached to his teacher and was
quite a favorite with his schoolmates. "_Little_ Arthur Hamilton"
he was always called by them, not because there were not many other boys
smaller than he, but from his gentleness and timid softness, he seemed
one to be protected by them; and the roughest boy never thought of
pushing and striking _him_.

Arthur made a visit of two days at home in the spring vacation. His
mother's heart was cheered by the visible improvement in her boy; and
she told him he had done much to make her happy, by rising above his
weakness and gaining the victory over his besetting sin. "Nothing," she
told him, "could ever grieve his mother's heart like seeing her children
do wrong; nothing ever make her so happy as their doing right."

Henry was still at the Academy, hoping to enter College the ensuing
Commencement; Lucy with her aunt; and James at Captain L's. Arthur did
not see them, but he had a pleasant visit with the rest. He went to all
his favorite places of resort; the orchard, the "old pasture," and the
little brook in the meadow. He led Charlie in one hand, and Emma in the
other out on the green grass in the lot, and picked for them the pretty
wild-flowers which were springing up everywhere among it, while Rover
ran along by their side, or bounded off in a merry frolic. They were all
glad to see Rover once more, and never was a dog so petted and caressed,
as he was on this visit to his old friends.

When Arthur returned home, he found that the spring had brought a
variety of labors with it. Mr. Martin was a farmer, and there were many
things to do, suited to his age and strength. He did all that was
required of him with alacrity, but he often found at night that his
limbs were very weary when he lay down in bed. Mr. Martin soon found he
could not endure so much as most boys of his age; but said he to his

"Out-of-door work will do him good, and make him hearty; a woman never
can bring up a boy properly!"

Mrs. Hamilton also hoped that exercise in the open air would give tone
and vigor to his somewhat delicate system, and develope his slender
frame into manly strength and symmetry. She wished nothing better for
her sons than to become intelligent, industrious, and honest farmers;
and such with God's blessing she hoped Arthur would in time be.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 19

"Oh no, no!" said Arthur, "would you have the poor squirrel starve?"

"Oh, he'll find enough to eat, never fear," said Theodore, "a squirrel
is too cunning to starve."

"But it isn't right to take them, Theodore. Just think how many hours
the little fellow worked, and how hard he tugged to get them all in
here, and they are _his_ now, I'm sure; he has a good right to
them, and I wouldn't any sooner rob him of his nuts, than I would a man
of his money!"

"La, what a fuss you make about it;" said Theodore with a loud laugh,
"but since you feel so bad, I'll let his squirrelship alone, this time."

"Thank you," said Arthur, "and now, Theodore, I must say if you had done
it, I wouldn't have liked to play with you so well as I did before, for
I should think you were a cruel boy, and I couldn't love you."

"You are a curious fellow," said Theodore, with another loud laugh. Such
lessons were not lost on Theodore, for though he had had very little
instruction in morals or manners, he had a heart in the right place
under his rough outside.

"We'll begin our stone house to-night, if you'll come in, Theodore,"
said Arthur, as they reached Mr. Martin's gate.

"No, I can't stop to-night. Sister Susan is coming to see us, and I want
to get home early."

This made Arthur think of _his_ sisters, and it was with rather a
heavy heart he entered the yard. Mr. Martin stood near the door, and as
Arthur passed him, he said,

"I have got a present in the house for you!"

"A present for _me_, sir!" said Arthur,

"Yes, for you; and something you'll like too, I guess. What do you think
it is?" Rover, who knew the sound of Arthur's voice began to bark
loudly, and in a moment the door was opened, and he was in Arthur's
arms. Never was there a more joyful meeting between old friends. Arthur
was so excited that he laughed and cried at once, and said all kinds of
wild things to Rover, who in his turn, kept caressing his young master,
and telling him in his way, how glad he was to see him again. And indeed
the poor dumb animal seemed to express as much affection and delight, as
if he had had a tongue to say in words, how much he loved him.

"How do you like your present, my boy?" said Mr. Martin.

Arthur could hardly speak for emotion, but in a moment he replied, "Very
much, indeed, sir, and you are very good to get him for me. But may he
stay here with me?"

"Yes, he is your dog now, Arthur; they have given him to you at home;
they seem to set a great deal by him too, there."

Arthur well knew how dearly they all loved Rover, and he felt sure it
must have been hard for them to give him up. His heart was touched by
this generosity and he resolved to become worthy of it, and to strive to
do something to make the family happy in return.

Rover seemed to impart new life to Arthur. He had now something to love,
and something that loved him; and though it was only a poor dumb animal,
it filled the vacant place in his heart. Never had Mrs. Martin seen his
dark eyes sparkle so, and his pale cheek look so bright.

And did the children at home regret making this sacrifice for their
little brother's sake? If any little reader asks this question, we fear
they have never tried the experiment of giving up something they loved,
to make another happy. If they had, they would know, what great delight
there was in it; what a warm, delicious feeling it spreads throughout
the heart. "It _is_ more blessed to give than to receive," and
happy as Arthur was in receiving this precious present, they were still
happier in having given it. As Mrs. Hamilton was undressing Emma that
night, the latter said, "Mother, do you think Arthur has got Rover yet?"

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 18

After Arthur left home on that dark, cheerless Monday morning, he felt
very sorry indeed that he had made any complaint to his mother; for he
knew that by doing so, he had given her trouble, instead of being a
comfort and help to her, in the midst of her sorrows. Besides, he had
broken his resolution; for he had most firmly resolved not to complain;
he had yielded to the strong impulse of the moment, and now he was
afraid he never should gain self-control. But there was nothing to be
done, but to make stronger efforts to be contented and useful in his new
home. He humbly asked God to enable him to do better, and to pardon the
weakness of the past.

Whenever a little boy desires with his whole soul to do right, and prays
to God for strength, he will certainly find he can, however difficult it
may seem at first. God, our kind heavenly Father, has promised to give
us his Holy Spirit if we ask Him for it in sincerity; and however young
you are, or weak, or ignorant; however far away from earthly friends, or
human sympathy, He will hear the softest word you utter, the faintest
breathing of a silent prayer, and will come into your soul and bless it.
That glorious spirit is infinite. It gives life to the archangel hosts;
it blesses the weakest, and lowliest child.

Arthur found that by making a great effort, a _very_ great one, he
could restrain his tears and turn his thoughts away from his own
troubles, and indeed from himself entirely. He had a few books, and he
became fond of reading them. Sometimes Mrs. Martin would ask him to read
aloud, and though she seldom wished to hear any thing but newspapers,
that was a diversion of his thoughts. Arthur had a clear, pleasant
voice, and read very well for a child of his age; and every time he read
aloud, he was improving himself in this part of education. Another
pleasant change was, going to school. Arthur had dreaded this very much,
because all the scholars would be strangers to him, and he had never
been to school without older brothers and sisters with him. Being so shy
and timid, he did not form acquaintances so readily as some boys; but in
two or three weeks, he had become quite friendly with some, particularly
Theodore Roberts. Theodore was two years older than Arthur, but recited
in the same classes. He passed Mr. Martin's on his way to school, and
usually called for Arthur. They walked about half a mile, partly through
a wood, to reach the school-house; a little brown building, with only
one room in it. Theodore was a bold, generous-hearted boy, and his
influence over Arthur was very good; while Arthur's gentler nature and
more refined manners were of service to Theodore, who was not very
particular about little things.

One night, as Theodore and Arthur were coming home from school, they
stopped to look at a squirrel's nest in a hollow tree, just in the wood.
A pretty striped squirrel was running up and down a tree at a little
distance, whisking his bushy tail, and watching them with his large,
bright eyes. They found a large store of nuts in the hollow tree, and
Theodore proposed they should take them out.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 17

Emma and Charlie, who had just comprehended that the stranger-gentleman
was going to take away the dog, began to look very grave indeed. Emma
was no martyr, to suffer calmly for conscience' sake, much less little
white-headed Charlie, who obstinately asserted with a most heroic air,
that "nobody should tarry off _his_ doggie."

"But your dear brother Arthur is all alone, and he cries at night when
he goes to bed, because he has no brother nor sister there, not even a
pussie or a dog. He won't cry if Rover is with him. Don't you want Rover
to go?"

"Esmaam I do; but I want Rover to stay here with me too."

"But he can't make Arthur happy then. Arthur, poor, dear Arthur, will
have nobody to comfort him."

"Rover _must_ go," said Emma, sorrowfully; "but I wish there were
two Rovers, one for Arthur, and one for me."

It was a pretty sight to see these children put their fat, little arms
round Rover's neck, and hug him over and over again, and kiss his rough
face with their rosy mouths, and let their sunny curls lie among his
shaggy locks. Great tears rolled down Emma's cheeks as the dog went out
of the door; but though Emma was no martyr, she was a warm-hearted,
generous little girl, and she did not want to keep the dog away from
Arthur, though so sorry to part with it.

"We have got you and I, and two kitties, haven't we Charlie," said she,
"and sister Mary and brother John."

"And your mother beside, who I hope is worth counting," said Mrs.
Hamilton. "You can spare Rover very well, I think."

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 16

A few days after Arthur's departure, an idea occurred to Mrs. Hamilton
which she was sure would give him pleasure. This was to send him Rover,
to keep as his own. But would the children be willing to part with their
pet and playfellow? And if they were, would Mr. Martin give his consent?

That very evening she proposed it to the children, and she was pleased
to find how willing they were to make some sacrifice for their little
brother's sake. Even Emma, who loved so dearly to play with him, and
ride on the sled after him, seemed ready to part with him when she found
it would make Arthur happy. Yet it was with a mournful voice, she told
him, as she patted him and stroked his long ears,

"You must be a good doggie, Rover, and make my brother Arthur happy. He
be good brother, and you must be good doggie too. Won't you, Rover, good

Mrs. Hamilton wrote to Mr. Martin stating Arthur's fondness for the dog,
and that if he had no objections, they should like to give him to Arthur
for his own; but added, that she did not wish to do so unless perfectly
agreeable to him. She was quite surprised to see Mr. Martin coming in at
the door on the second morning after the letter was sent. He said he had
come within three miles on business, and thought he would just ride
round, and take the dog.

"I fear you may find him troublesome, sir," said Mrs. H., "for my
children have allowed him to take great liberties with them."

"Not a bit! Not a bit!" said the old gentleman; "to be sure my wife
don't take to dogs overmuch, but you see, the boy is a little home-sick,
and we want him to feel more contented, if we can; so I was very glad to
take the dog. He is a noble fellow, on my word. How old is he?"

"Two next Spring," said Mrs. H., "and he is a very kind, faithful
creature, I assure you. We all love him very much."

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 15

With such words Mrs. Hamilton sought to soothe and strengthen her child,
while her own heart was throbbing with painful emotions. She could not
sleep that night, for her heart yearned over her darling boy, and she
longed to fold him under the shelter of a loving home. She felt that she
needed in her own heart more of that perfect submission to God's will
which she enjoined on others, and it was only by earnest and humble
prayer that she could calm her troubled spirit, and feel trust and
confidence that all was for the best. But she had found prayer to be a
balm for the wounded spirit in many an hour of suffering, and she now
realized the sweetness of that inestimable privilege.

"Oh not a gift or blessing
With this can we compare;
The power which he hath given,
To pour our souls in prayer."



Arthur left home early Monday morning. It was a cold, dreary day
without, and a dreary one within to Mrs. Hamilton. She had no unoccupied
moments in which to sit down, and pore over her troubles; but amid all
her cares and labors, the pleading, sorrowful face of her boy would rise
before her, like an accusing angel. She feared she had shown him too
little sympathy in his sufferings, and had too much repressed the
manifestation of his feelings. She seemed to herself, as her
imagination followed her weeping boy, a cruel, heartless mother; and
again only in prayer could she find relief and peace, and even then, a
weight still rested upon her spirits.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 14

"I will only eat a potatoe and a piece of bread, if you will let me
stay, mother; indeed I won't be much of a burden to you, but oh, dear
mother, don't send me back there," cried he, sobbing as if his heart
would break.

This was a sad trial for Mrs. Hamilton, and she paused to think what was
right, and to ask for guidance from on high. It seemed to her that
Arthur's dissatisfaction arose from his own weakness of spirit, rather
than from anything really disagreeable in his situation. They were kind
to him; he was not over-worked; could attend a good school; and would it
not be an injury to him, to indulge this excessive love for home, and
yield to his entreaties? Would he ever be a man, with courage to face
the storms of life, if she, with a woman's weakness, allowed her
feelings to prevail over her judgment? It must not be. She must be firm
for his sake; cruel as it seemed, it was real kindness, and she trusted
he would soon be contented. If not, she could then change her
determination if she wished. So she told him once more, that duty and
not present enjoyment was to be consulted; that she still thought it was
best for him to stay at Mr. Martin's, and she still believed he would
find contentment and peace there, in doing his duty. She did not upbraid
him, but told him very tenderly, she wished him to acquire more strength
of purpose, and to gain the habit of controlling his feelings. If he did
not, he could never be happy or useful, and it would be sad indeed to
grow up a weak, timid and useless being, who had not strength of
character enough to pursue what was right, if difficulties lay in the
path. "Whenever you are lonely and sad," said she, "think of me, and how
much pleasure you are giving me by staying and doing your duty. Think of
your Father in heaven, who watches over you, and will be well-pleased
when you try to subdue your faults. Never forget to ask Him for strength
to do right, and He will give it, if you ask in sincerity. Remember
always that He has placed us in the world to become his children, and
grow holy; and it is often through trial, we are made better. You will
be a better boy if you conquer your weakness, and become cheerful and
contented, than you could have been, had no sacrifice been required of
you. My dear child, I do believe God will bless you, and enable you to

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 13

How much the children had to talk about that night; how many stories to
tell Arthur, and questions to ask him in return! Arthur had decided
beforehand not to make any complaint, or to say he was unhappy, or
homesick; and indeed in the pleasure of being at home again, he almost
forgot he had ever been unhappy. He was to stay till Monday morning, and
to him those four days seemed a long period of enjoyment, quite too long
to be saddened yet by the thoughts of separation. The night settled down
on the inmates of the cottage, and sweet sleep sealed up all eyes; even
those of the weary mother. The year had brought many trials, and some
heavy ones, but there was in spite of them all, much to be thankful for,
especially that all her beloved children had been preserved to her, and
were so healthy, so promising, and so likely to prove blessings to her.
Ah, how long afterwards did she recall that merry evening, and those
beaming faces, with a heavy heart!



Thanksgiving is over! Its dinner, its frolics, its boisterous mirth, are
all in the past! It is Sabbath evening. A sadness seems to hang about
the party. Lucy had returned to her aunt, with whom she lived. James was
to go home that evening. Henry and Arthur in the morning. They with John
and their mother, sat thoughtfully around the fire; the younger children
were in bed; little was said by any one, but Mrs. Hamilton, wishing to
have a more private interview with Arthur, took him to her room. There
she questioned him about his new home more particularly. To her
amazement, the moment she spoke of his returning, he burst into a flood
of tears. Poor Arthur! he meant to be brave, and to hide his troubles,
but now that his heart had been warmed by the light of affection and
home-joy, the idea of going back was terrible to him. He could not
deceive, or keep back any thing. With passionate earnestness, he
besought his mother to let him stay at home.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 12

Charlie, the baby, as he is called, now almost three years old, has
donned his new red flannel dress, and white apron, in honor of the day.
James is cracking butternuts in one corner, and a well-heaped milk-pan
is the trophy of his persevering toil. Lucy, the eldest sister, has come
home, and she and Mary are deep in some confidential conversation the
opposite side of the room, stopping every now and then to listen, as if
expecting to hear some pleasant sound. Among them all, the mother moves
with a beaming face and quiet step, completing the arrangements of the
table, which is standing at the backside of the room, covered by a snowy
cloth, and decorated with the best plates, and china cups and saucers,
the relics of more prosperous days.

"Hurra, they've come! they've come!" said James, tossing down his
hammer, and bounding over the pan of nuts; "that's our wagon, I know."

All are at the door. 'Tis they! Yes, 'tis John and Arthur, our dear
little Arthur home again! How they all seize upon and kiss him! How the
mother holds him to her heart with tearful eyes! Ah, this is joy; such
joy as can be purchased only by separation and suffering. Who that
looked now on Arthur's beaming eye, and glowing cheek, could dream that
they had been clouded by sorrow, or dimmed by tears?

Of all the happy groups that were assembled in our old Commonwealth that
night, few we think were happier than this. Rover was by no means a
silent witness of the joy. He would not leave Arthur's side a moment,
and constantly sought to attract his notice. Arthur had been always very
fond of Rover, almost more so than the other children, though he was a
great favorite with all, and Rover had missed him since he went away
almost as much as Arthur had missed Rover; so it was a joyful re-union
on both sides. He was a large dog, of the Newfoundland breed, with
shaggy hair. He had beautiful white spots, and long, silky ears, and was
a very good-natured dog. He would let Charlie get on his back, and ride
him all about the yard; and the boys had made a little sled to which
they fastened Rover, and Emma, well wrapped up in her hood and cloak,
with her woolen mittens on, would have quite long rides after him;
sometimes in the yard, and sometimes in the street.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 11



Thanksgiving! dear, delightful Thanksgiving! What a happy sound in all
childish ears! What visions of roast turkeys, plum puddings, and pumpkin
pies rise before us at the name! What hosts of rosy cheeks, sparkling
eyes, nicely-combed little heads, and bounding feet; what blazing fires
and warm parlors; what large stuffed rocking-chairs, with
comfortable-looking grandpapas and grandmamas in them; what huge bundles
of flannel, out of which, plump blue-eyed babies roll; what stuffed
hoods and cloaks, from which little boys and girls emerge; and better
than all, what warm hearts brimming with affection; what sweet songs of
joyful praise; what untold depths of "sacred and home-felt delight,"
belong to thee, dear, glad, Thanksgiving-day!

Let us look in at Mrs. Hamilton's on Thanksgiving eve. Every thing in
her little sitting-room is just as clean as it can possibly be; the fire
burns brightly, and the blaze goes dancing and leaping merrily up the
chimney, diffusing throughout the room an aspect of cheerfulness. Henry,
"the student," as John calls him, is at home; for of course it is
vacation in his school; and his mother looks with pride on the manly
form and handsome face of this her favorite boy, who has certainly grown
taller and handsomer since his last visit at home, in her eyes at least;
and who is now entertaining himself by teaching his pet, Emma, (a little
girl of four,) to repeat the Greek alphabet, and whose funny
pronunciation of Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, &c., is received with peals
of laughter by the other children.

"We will make a famous Greek scholar of you yet," said Harry, "who
knows, darling Em, but you may be a great poetess before you die? But
you won't be a blue stocking, I hope!"

"My stockings are _red_," said the unconscious Emma; "mother don't
make me _blue_ stockings," sticking out her little feet by way of
confirming the fact.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 10

We need not dwell on the first weeks of Arthur's stay at Mr. Martin's.
They thought him a little homesick, but presumed he would soon get over
it; he performed the little tasks they exacted of him with great
alacrity, and was quite a favorite with Mrs. Martin, who said he was the
most quiet, and well-behaved child she ever saw. At first, Arthur
thought of nothing but home, and home-scenes; but he struggled bravely
to rise above sad and sorrowful thoughts, and to be contented. "They
shall never hear me complain," he said to himself, "and dear mother too
shall never know how bad I feel. I want to do my duty, and be a
_brave_ boy."

Every fortnight a letter came from home, and though Arthur read it with
streaming eyes, it was a precious treasure. He would read them over and
over, till he seemed to hear his mother's voice once more, and feel her
loving hand upon his head. He answered them; but wrote only a few words,
saying, he was well, and the other common place remarks children usually
write. He was not happy, but he was calmer now, and did not _every_
night cry himself to sleep. The visit at home, was a bright, cheering
spot, to which he often looked forward; and as week after week passed
away, slowly indeed, he rejoiced in the certainty that that
long-looked-for period was getting nearer and nearer, and _would_
come at last.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 9

Rover refused at first to leave Arthur, but John lifted him into the
wagon, and drove off.

It was a lonely evening to Arthur. There was no frolic with Rover and
the children on the green; no kind mother's voice to call him in; no
affectionate good-night kiss for the little stranger. Mr. and Mrs.
Martin were very kind-hearted people, but they had little sympathy with
a child, and made no conversation with him. There was no hardship
imposed on Arthur; indeed they required less of him than he had been
accustomed to doing at home, and had he been a courageous, light-hearted
boy like his brother James, he would soon have been very happy in his
new home
. But we have said he was shy and sensitive; like a delicate
plant he needed sunshine to develope his nature, and shrank from the
rough chilling blast.

None, who has not experienced it, can know any thing of the suffering
such a child endures when deprived of the sweet influences of home. Such
an one often appears dull and stupid to a careless observer, when there
is throbbing under that cold exterior, a heart of the keenest
sensibility. Let the bold, healthy, active boy be sent from home, if
necessary; a little hardship, and a little struggling with the rougher
elements of life, will perchance but strengthen and increase his
courage, and prepare him for the conflicts and struggles of after years;
but oh, fond mother, keep that delicate, timid child which nestles to
thy side with such confiding trust, which trembles at the voice of a
stranger, and shrinks like the mimosa, from a rude and unfamiliar touch,
under thine own sheltering roof-tree, for a time at least; there seek to
develope and strengthen his delicate nature into more manly strength and
vigor; there judiciously repress excessive sensibility, and increase
confidence in himself and others; if it can possibly be avoided, do not
expose him, while a child, to the tender mercies of those who do not
understand his peculiar temperament, and who, however kind their
feelings, cannot possess his confidence.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 8

"But Arthur, what do you think mother would say to see you coming back
with me? How it would distress her! Indeed you _must_ stay, and try
to be contented. I think it looks like a pleasant place here. This is a
very pretty yard, and yonder is a large garden; I dare say Mr. Martin
will let you have a bed in it next spring."

"But it is living here all alone, which I dread," said Arthur.

"You know mother says we are never all alone," said John. "God will be
with you, and if you try to be a good contented boy, he will approve of
your conduct, and love you. Only six weeks too, remember, till you come
home. Just think how soon they will be gone!"

Rover had been gazing wistfully into Arthur's face, as if he wondered
what was going on that made them all so sober, and now he gently laid
his paw upon his hand. Arthur caressed him fondly, saying--

"Oh, Rover, dear good fellow, how I wish I could have you for company."

"I wish you could," said John, "but I don't think it would be right to
leave him, for Mr. Martin might not wish to have him."

John now untied his horse, saying,

"Try to be contented for mother's sake, dear Arthur."

Many years after, when John was a middle-aged man, he told me that
nothing in his whole life had made him feel worse than leaving little
Arthur behind him, that day. "I can see the poor little fellow now,"
said he, "just as he looked standing at the gate, weeping bitterly."

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 7

So the lads rode on till noon; and when the sun shone out warmly, the
forest-trees looked more magnificent in its golden light, than King
Solomon in all his glory
. There was the crimson-leaved maple, and the
yellow beach, and the variegated oak, mingled with the fresh green
hemlocks and pines. There was something in the quiet, and deep stillness
of the woods, which made the boys silent, as they rode through; they
felt the influence of its exceeding beauty, though they could not have
expressed it in words; for God always speaks to us through his works,
and if we will listen to the voice, our hearts will be softened, and
pleasant and profitable thoughts will arise.

It was two in the afternoon, when John and Arthur reached Mr. Martin's.
He was not at home, but Mrs. Martin received them kindly, saying, "she
expected they would come that day." She was a grave-looking old lady,
who wore spectacles, and the inquisitive manner in which she looked over
the top of them into Arthur's face, quite frightened the little fellow,
and he could only reply in very low monosyllables to the questions she
asked him; so John gave her such information as she desired. Mrs. Martin
showed them the small chamber in which Arthur was to sleep, and John
carried up the wooden box, and put it down in one corner. After staying
half an hour, John thought he must go. A sense of the loneliness of his
situation among strangers, where no one familiar voice would be heard,
and not one familiar object seen, came over the heart of poor Arthur
with such force at this moment, that he burst into a flood of tears,

"Oh, don't leave me here, John! don't leave me, I cannot stay." Brushing
the tears from his own eyes, John drew the sobbing child out into the
yard, saying, as he put his arms affectionately about his neck,--

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 6

"Well, Arthur," said she, "it will be only six weeks to Thanksgiving,
and Mr. Martin has promised you shall come home then; and how glad we
shall all be to see you!"

It was a sunny, autumn morning. The white frost lay on the grass and the
fences, and the north-wind was chilly, as the boys drove on. Rover
persisted in following them, and finally Arthur begged John to take him
in, and carry him over. Rover was delighted, and laid himself down in
the bottom of the wagon, and looked affectionately into Arthur's face.

"Poor Rover," said he, "you will miss me I know; and I shall miss you a
great deal more. I wonder if Mr. Martin has a dog?"

"I guess not," said John, "for he took no notice of Rover, and every
body who likes dogs speaks to Rover, because he is so large and
handsome. I am afraid you will be homesick at first over there, but we
must do the best we can, for these are hard times. I don't see how we
can do any thing more than pay the rent this year, after all my summer's
work; for the dry weather ruined the potatoes, and corn won't bring more
than fifty cents a bushel; and how we are to live, I don't see. I am not
afraid for myself, but it is too bad for mother, and the little ones;
so, if you are homesick, you must try to get over it again, and not come
back, or let mother know it, for she has just as much trouble as she can
bear already."

"Oh, no," said Arthur, "I won't be homesick, I _will_ be a brave
boy, as mother calls it, and never complain, let what will come; but I
do wish we were not so poor."

"I don't know," said John, "I think poor folks that work hard, enjoy
about as much as anybody, after all. It isn't a disgrace to be poor, if
we are only honest, and do what is right; and you know the minister said
last Sabbath, that Jesus Christ when he lived on the earth was a poor
man, and worked with his hands for a living. He won't despise the poor
now he has gone into heaven again; for he will remember how he was poor
once. Mother says, nothing will break her heart but living to see us do
some wicked deed, and that she could not survive that. We must be
careful not to break her heart, musn't we, Arthur?"

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 5

"It is quite as painful to me, Arthur,"  said his mother, "to part from
you, as it can be to you; but I think it is best for you; and I am sure
you will not increase my trials by complaining. Be a brave boy, Arthur,
and learn to submit cheerfully to what God sends upon you. Trust in Him,
and he will bless you wherever you are. Always remember He watches over
you, and loves you. I think Mr. and Mrs. Martin will be kind to you, and
I hope you will make yourself very useful to them. They are quite aged,
and a pair of young hands and feet can be of great service to them.
Always do cheerfully whatever they wish of you, even if not quite so
agreeable at the moment. Always be respectful in your manners to them,
and to all others with whom you come in contact, and try to make them
happier. A little boy may do a good deal to make others happy, or
unhappy. I hope you will try to do what is right at all times, and I
doubt not you will be contented and happy there, after you become
accustomed to it."

Arthur had dried his tears, but his heart was heavy as he laid down in
his bed that night, and when he was alone, his sobs burst forth afresh.
It seemed to him very cruel to send him among strange people, and he
thought he should rather go without much to eat or wear, than to leave

About ten days after, John carried Arthur to Mr. Martin's. Mrs. Hamilton
had made his clothes look as neat and tidy as possible, by thoroughly
washing and mending them, (for she could not afford to get any new
ones), and John had made him a nice box, in which they were all
carefully placed.

Arthur tried to be a brave boy, as his mother wished; but he could not
eat his breakfast that morning. Every mouthful seemed to choke him; and
when he bade his mother and the children good-bye, the tears would come
fast and thick into his eyes, in spite of all he could do to prevent it.
Tears were in his mother's eyes too, but she spoke cheerfully.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 4

Mrs. Hamilton knew that this was no time for the indulgence of
; she knew that _duty_ must be done, even though every
chord of her heart quivered with agony. After much consideration and
earnest prayer, she had concluded to let him go, and the thought of
sending him away from her, and all he loved, among entire strangers, was
what made her so sorrowful. She strove to calm herself by the
reflection, that she had done what seemed to be right, and by
remembering the blessed promises of God's Holy Word to the fatherless,
and to all those who put their trust in Him. With a cheerful voice, she
called the boys, telling James it was time for him to go home, as
Captain L., with whom he lived, was a very particular man, and would be
displeased if he staid out beyond the proper time.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 3.5

(We accidentally cut our last excerpt short.  Sorry, won't happen again!)
Mrs. Hamilton's sons
had been trained to obedience, and James never thought of lingering and
loitering for half an hour, as I have seen some boys do, after being
told to go. He just gave Rover a good pat on the back, and saying a
hasty "
good-night" to his mother and Arthur, he ran home.

Arthur was alone with his mother, and she told him of the arrangement
she had made for him, and the reasons for it. Arthur was quite overcome
at the idea of a separation from the mother he loved so dearly, and

"Oh, mother, don't send me away from home, I can earn something, and
will work very hard if you will only let me stay. Please mother, let me
stay with you!"

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 3

Her eldest son had gone to a distant
southern state, carrying with him, his mother's prayers and blessings;
and a strong arm, and stout heart, with which to win himself a name and
a place in his adopted home. John, the second, still remained with her,
assisting, by his unceasing toil, to earn a supply for their daily
wants. Henry, the third son, a bright-eyed youth of sixteen, had
attracted the notice of his pastor, and by his advice and assistance,
had been placed on the list of the beneficiaries of the American
Education Society
, and was now at an Academy, preparing for College.
James was living with a farmer in the neighborhood, and was now on the
green with Arthur. These changes had already taken place, and now, could
she part with Arthur,--her sweet-tempered, gentle Arthur? That was the
question which agitated and saddened her. An offer had been made her, by
Mr. Martin, who lived in an adjoining town, and whom she knew to be an
excellent man. He wished to take Arthur, and keep him till he was
twenty-one; would clothe him, send him to school, and treat him as one
of his own family; training him to habits of industry and economy. Could
she hope any thing better for her darling boy? There was a younger
brother and two sisters still remaining at home, and embarrassed as she
was, ought she not to be grateful for such an opening, and thankfully
avail herself of it? Such was the view another might take of the
subject, but to her it was unspeakably painful to think of the
separation. Arthur was ten years old; but he was a modest and timid boy,
whose sensitive nature had led him to cling more closely to his mother's
side than his bolder and more active brothers.

Two Other Arthur Hamiltons

Our book, as its title would suggest, concerns one Arthur Hamilton (and his dog!).

There are a few other Arthur Hamiltons of note, though.

One is the most senior judge in the Scottish judiciary. His Wikipedia entry notes (the links are ours, the text is Wikipedia's):

'As Lord President and Lord Justice General, he is responsible for the supervision of these Courts and for the determination of policy and rules of court procedure. He also makes appointments to some tribunals and makes recommendations to The Queen for the appointment of Queen’s Counsel."

There's another Arthur Hamilton who is well-known for his skills as a songwriter. His...

"songs have been performed by Dinah Washington, Harry Connick Jr., Barbara Streisand, Johnny Mathis, Ray Charles, Ella Fitzgerald, and countless others."

Neither should be confused with our protagonist!

A Little Massachusetts Sabbath School Society History

The Massachusetts Sabbath School Society published Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog. It turns out that the Society was a very prolific publisher. A little research revealed scores of titles created under its imprint in the 1800s.

I also found a partial copy of an 1833 MSSS offering via Google. You can see the actual text here. The Sabbath School Visiter probably won't make our list here at Discover Them, but it is neat to see an original.

Some authors wrote multiple books for the Society. Here's an example, taken from a "Letter from Dr. Grosvenor..." which is quite interesting. Here's an excerpt (links added & not in original):

"My grandmother, the daughter of Thayer S. Sanborn (Mrs. Harriet Ward Sanborn Grosvenor), born in Hampton Falls in 1823, married Edwin Prescott Grosvenor, M.D., of Newburyport, Massachusetts in 1843, and four years later, when only 24, she wrote a little book, "My Sister Emily," published by the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society, and she continued to write books, published by this Society until her death in 1863, her husband meanwhile having died seven years previously.

"I have a list of about fifteen of her books that were published by the Massachusetts Sabbath School Society. On the chance that you may be interested, I enclosed a list of the copies of her books that I have. It may be she wrote others also. There is no mention in "The History of Hampton Falls" of this brilliant young authoress. From the day she was married she lived in Newburyport.

Another Must-Read for Those Interested in Serialization

The New York Public Library has a great article reminding us about the move toward serialized fiction in England during the era of Dickens. "When is a Book Not a Book? Oliver Twist in Context" has a few things to say to those non-historians who think that "first edition" bound copies are the true originals of some great tales when, in fact, serialization was the order of the day for many books now considered classics.

Here's an excerpt from the fine NYPL article. I strongly recommend you read the whole thing (links in the excerpt were placed by Discover Them):

"But dealers, collectors, museums, libraries, bibliographers, textual scholars, and the general public have been conditioned to think of the book as the substantial, first publication of most serials, from Dickens's Pickwick Papers to Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles and Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim. Books have authors who are solely responsible for their contents—Charles Dickens, for example, even though those "early state" title pages of the "exceptionally fine copy" of Oliver Twist identify the author not as Charles Dickens but as what was then a well-known pseudonym, "Boz." And books get passed down through the generations, while periodicals are tossed out by families or broken up for the prints by dealers or reduced to microfilm, -form, or -fiche by librarians. The book is semipermanent and simply displaces the format in which the text first appeared. This is true for virtually every magazine serial, not just fiction, but also history, theology, biography, philosophy, criticism, and other genres which, as Saintsbury reminds us, were often in the nineteenth century first published in installments in periodicals."

On book serialization...

Hope you're enjoying Arthur Hamilton, And His Dog.

I thought I'd interrupt by sharing a great resource with those of you who are interested in the serialization of literature. "Serialized Fiction in the Victorian Era" is a fantastic read!

I won't go over every detail, but will tell you that this multi-section report is comprehensive and chock-full of fascinating information.

Here's an excerpt, after this wets your whistle, go read all of "Serialized Fiction in the Victorian Era" (links within excerpt mine):

"During the Victorian Era (1837-1901), in England, a publishing trend rose to popularity in the world of the novel called serialized fiction. The greatest novelists of the time, including Charles Dickens, George Eliot, William Thackeray and Joseph Conrad, chose to publish their newest works of fiction in installments. These installments ran in popular magazines and newspapers or were produced in cheaply bound sections over a period of many months. Because this format was more affordable, people outside of the upper class could purchase books for the first time. The publishing phenomenon sparked a growth not only in the number of people desiring to read, but also in literacy rates."

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 2

She had known many days of worldly prosperity,
since she had resided in that little cottage; but of late, trials had
multiplied; and days and nights of heart-crushing sorrow had been
appointed unto her. He who should have shared life's trials and
lightened their weight, had proved recreant to his trust, and was now
wandering, she knew not whither; and poverty was staring the deserted
family in the face. Debts had accumulated, and though Mrs. Hamilton had
done all that could be done to meet the emergency, though she had
labored incessantly, and borne fatigue and self-denial, with a brave and
cheerful spirit
, it had been found necessary to leave the home so dear
to her,--the home where she had been brought a fair and youthful bride;
where she had spent many happy years, and which was endeared to her by
so many sweet and hallowed, as well as painful, associations. Every foot
of the green meadow, the orchard on the hill, and the pasture lying
beyond, was dear to her; and it was painful to see them pass into other
hands. But that heaviest of all the trials which poverty brings to the
mother's heart, was hers also. The conviction had been forced upon her,
that she must separate the children, and find other homes for such as
were old enough to do any thing for themselves. This necessary
separation had now taken place.

Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog - 1


One pleasant October evening, Arthur Hamilton was at play in front of
the small, brown cottage in which he lived. He and his brother James,
were having a great frolic with a large spotted dog, who was performing
a great variety of antics, such as only well-educated dogs understand.
But Rover had been carefully initiated into the mysteries of making a
bow while standing on his hind legs, tossing pieces of bread off his
nose, putting up his fore-paws with a most imploring look, and piteous
whine, which the boys called "begging for money," and when a chip had
been given him, he uttered a most energetic bow-wow-wow, which they
regarded as equivalent to "thank you, sir," and walked off.

While they were thus amusing themselves, their mother was sitting on the
rude piazza which ran along the front of the cottage, now looking at the
merry children, and then thoughtfully gazing at the long shadows which
were stretching across the road.


We'll be starting our first book, Arthur Hamilton, and His Dog, tomorrow.

We hope you enjoy it!